Humanity is embarking on an age of technological change more profound than any before it. With history as our guide, we know that massive social change will follow in its wake. By investing and acting now, we have an opportunity to shape this vastly complex process and guide its outcomes for the better including the required returns for our fund. All revolutions produce winners and losers, but by applying an responsible investment strategy we ensure there are more of the former than the latter. TallCastle will introduce you to our team of listeners to the thinkers, entrepreneurs, and innovators who are already spotting the opportunities and risks ahead, and seeking to guide our clients and their communities towards a better future that we believe is now within reach. We have carefully formed our magic team to execute the TallCastle mission.
The Question: how can you embark on this new journey? If you are an investor and ready to become a LP in a strategic closed fund, contact us to find out if there is enough mutual purpose. This new “Kodak Moment” creates emerging tech investment momentum everywhere: environment, energy, health, food, learning, security, prosperity, governance and many more. It is happening now and the new dictionary is already buzzing: AI, Robotics, Sentients, Crispr, Qubits, …